• Can children also suffer from obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)

    Yes, children can snore and suffer from OSA. They could suffer from growth and development problems such as a small or narrow upper jaw, high palatal bone, and retruded(backward seated)lower jaw. Chil...

  • Food for Stronger Teeth growth in Kids

    In one of my earlier posts (https://www.facebook.com/minaldds/posts/1884547455029944), I had mentioned the importance of breastfeeding followed by the hard diet for the development and growth of the d...

  • Mouthwash or Salt water Gargle

    I have heard this question often from my patients: What is better to gargle with mouth wash or warm salt water? So let’s begin this discussion: First of all, let’s understand how saltwater garglin...

  • Why do I need to remove my wisdom teeth since it is not bothering me at all?

    Why do I need to remove my wisdom teeth since it is not bothering me at all?

    If your wisdom teeth are fully erupted and settled down with the opposite jaw’s wisdom teeth in bite properly, no issues such as caries,gum problem, cysts,tumor and we shouldn’t worry about remova...

  • Pregnancy and Oral Health

    I’m pregnant and does what I eat make any difference with my child? -Yes.Usually baby’s teeth begin to develop between 12-24 weeks of pregnancy.If you eat smart, it can help your child indirectly....