Can children also suffer from obstructive sleep apnea(OSA)

Posted: Mar 26 2021Source:

Yes, children can snore and suffer from OSA. They could suffer from growth and development problems such as a small or narrow upper jaw, high palatal bone, and retruded(backward seated)lower jaw. Children could have their airways blocked due to enlarged adenoids, tonsils, or swollen nasal mucosa. Usually, these children are mouth breathers. If the lower jaw position is too backward(retrognathic), children can suffer from cervical problems, bed wetting, irritability, difficulty in concentrating in school, and hyperactivity.
If the airway and skeletal problems are taken care of early on, serious problems of OSA may be eliminated.
Airway problems are solved with arch development appliances alongside the help of ENT specialists who can remove the tonsils and adenoids. Skeletal problems can be taken care of by the mandibular (lower jaw) repositioning appliance. These children must be treated early in their life in order to improve their quality of life.
We always encourage nasal breathing over mouth breathing, early arch development, and repositioning of the lower jaw in case of the retrognathic mandible to help children to do nasal breathing over mouth breathing.

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