Food for Stronger Teeth growth in Kids

Posted: Mar 26 2021Source:

In one of my earlier posts (, I had mentioned the importance of breastfeeding followed by the hard diet for the development and growth of the dental jaws(arch).
After that article, many parents have asked me what type of food we consider hard and healthy for their growing kids.
1)I would definitely consider all firm, hard, crunchy raw vegetables and fruits such as carrot, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, radish, cucumber, apple, pear to be hard and healthy for their kids. These types of veggies and fruits play a crucial role in the growth of the jaws by providing needed exercise for the jaw. It also plays a key role in teeth health(by remineralization and strengthening) and general health as well.
2)In general protein plays a very important role in total body growth. We always encourage young children to bite and chew the type of food that is chewy in nature such as nuts, beans, tofu, and lean meats, to enable them to develop strong jaws and lower the risk of bite issues.
In general, try to add some chewy food to your lunch, dinner, breakfast, and snack.
Just remember:
Hard and crunchy food such as fiber-rich raw vegetables, raw fruits, and nuts should be an important part of a growing child’s diet.


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