Antibiotics and Probiotics

Posted: Apr 8 2017Source:
Antibiotics and Probiotics

“Antibiotics” refers to chemicals that are used to kill or inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and are either naturally produced through bacteria or synthetically produced in a laboratory. Antibiotics are often to described as “magic bullets” since they can be very effective in controlling diseases by targeting the responsible bacteria and by aiding the body’s host defenses against the bacteria. Unfortunately, the overuse of antibiotics can cause the bacteria to be resistant to the treatment, while an underuse of the prescribed dosage can cause an infection. The systemic administration of antibiotic dosage averages around five to seven days, but, as implied above, it is best to follow the prescribed amount.

Despite the huge benefits of antibiotic treatment, there are side effects, such as diarrhea and yeast infection, which are caused by the antibiotics disrupting the normal routine of the intestinal flora. Fortunately, yogurt has been proven to help these side effects, specifically the diseases mentioned above, because yogurt contains probiotics, which are bacteria and yeast that are very healthy for the body, especially the digestive system. Probiotics are necessary in order to replace the other good bacteria that many have been removed by the antibiotics.

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